Crossware Case Studies

Opaheke School

About Opaheke School

Opaheke School is a Microsoft Showcase School located in Auckland. It has around 600 pupils enrolled between years 1 – 8, and over 50 teaching staff. Opaheke was awarded Microsoft Showcase school status for it’s excellence in transforming the learning environment to deliver more personalised education to students, using mobile and cloud technology.

Opaheke School & Crossware Email Signature

Opaheke School was struggling with inconsistent and unprofessional signatures on their outgoing emails. It was difficult to create and maintain individual signatures for each busy staff member. Crossware Mail Signature for Office 365 provided the perfect solution for achieving professional, consistent signatures for everyone.

Implementation & Use
Crossware is easy to understand, use and deploy. It painlessly integrates with our existing systems, meaning no time wasted on complex setup. The team were outstanding with prompt follow- up and support for every step of the process.

Cost & Time Benefits
Our main time benefit is no more time wasted on creating /updating individual signatures for each staff member. Using Crossware Mail Signature also ensures that there is no extra setup time spent getting signatures on devices like mobile phones, since the signatures are applied at the server level..

We would recommend Crossware Mail Signature for Office 365 to other organisations. It has provided us with a tool for creating professional, consistent signatures with no headaches. It’s easy to use, and the support has been outstanding.